Chapter Policy for Promotion Inquiries

Promotion of Products and Services by Chapters


The Indiana University Alumni Association is selective about the individuals and businesses allowed to use our resources to promote products and services to our alumni. Each opportunity must be thoroughly examined by the IUAA to determine its validity and applicability to our alumni. If an opportunity is determined to be worthwhile, the IUAA will work with the vendor to promote the products or services through selected IUAA marketing channels. This document is intended to provide a framework for chapters that receive inquiries concerning the promotion of various products and services. The policy also serves to protect chapter leadership from solicitors and provide a unified response to such inquiries.


  1. This document applies to chapters of the IUAA who are contacted by individuals and businesses to promote a product or service.
  2. IUAA chapters should decline the request and refer these individuals and businesses to the IUAA.
  3. IUAA chapters should not allow individuals and businesses to promote products and services through the chapter’s social media accounts.


  1. When chapters are contacted by an individual or business the chapter representative should respond as soon as possible, communicating that the chapters do not individually promote products or services on behalf of the IUAA, and these requests are handled by the IUAA Alumni Business Office in Bloomington, Indiana.
  2. If a business or individual uses a chapter’s Facebook page to promote a product or service, the chapter should delete the post and send a message to the vendor explaining the IUAA policy that chapters do not individually promote products or services, and these requests are handled by the IUAA Alumni Business Office in Bloomington, Indiana.
  3. Please refer all such inquiries concerning the promotion of products and services to the IUAA Business Office at 812-855-4664.


  1. Chapters are allowed to promote approved IUAA products and services such as the IU license plate.
  2. Chapters are allowed to promote businesses hosting or sponsoring a chapter event such as a game watch party at a restaurant.

Date of last update

This policy was last updated June, 2016.